Abortion is common.
Abortion is expensive.
Need help paying for an abortion? Blue Ridge Abortion Fund may be able to help. Call our confidential voicemail at 434-963-0669. Leave a message and a trained staff member will get back to you within 48 hours.

Abortion funding FAQs
We provide grants to Virginians, or people traveling to Virginia, to reduce the cost of abortion. We also offer financial support for transportation, lodging, and other abortion related expenses.
We work with most clinics in Virginia and surrounding states, and we don’t ask about a caller’s financial situation, their immigration status, or their reason for their abortion.
Call us and leave a confidential voicemail. One of our intake coordinators will call you back. Once we’ve worked to get you the financial support you need, we’ll let the clinic you have an appointment at know we’re covering the cost of some of your care. You just show up for your appointment.
The cost of an abortion changes depending on how many weeks pregnant you are. Prices start at $165 for telehealth medication abortions and $390 for in clinic procedures and go up as the pregnancy progresses. We’re here to support you, so if money is an issue, give us a call.
Absolutely not. We keep our caller information confidential, except to communicate with the clinic to ensure our support is available to you when you get there.
Nope. We don’t need our callers to prove anything. In the spirit of mutual aid, we want you to have the support you need to access abortion care unconditionally.